Termeni si Conditii Generale


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MultiLab Romania » General Terms & Conditions


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Conditii comerciale

Art 1. Aplicarea Conditiilor Generale de Vanzare
Plasarea unei comenzi implica acceptarea in totalitate si fara rezerva de catre cumparator a acestor CGV si excluderea oricaror alte documente ca prospecte, cataloage, etc; emise de catre vanzator si care nu au decat valoare indicativa. Nici o conditie particulara nu poate , in afara acceptului formal si in scris al vanzatorului, sa prevaleze asupra prezentelor CGV. Orice cauza contrara solicitata de cumparator va fi deci, cu exceptia acceptarii exprese, inopozabila vanzatorului indiferent de momentul la care a fost adusa la cunostinta acestuia.

Art 2. Comenzi
Comenzile adresate direct vanzatorului sau prin intermediul agentilor sau reprezentantilor nu devin definitive decat dupa confirmarea scrisa a vanzatorului.

Art 3. Modificarea comenzilor
Toate modificarile sau anularile de comanda solicitate de catre cumparator pot fi examinate de catre vanzator daca i-au parvenit in scris cu cel putin sapte (7) zile inainte de expedierea marfurilor. Peste acest termen (mai putin de 7 zile) toate comenzile transmise vor trebui platite de catre cumparator.

Art 4. Livrare
Livrarile vor fi efectuate in functie de disponibilitatea vanzatorului. Fara o conventie expresa termenele noastre de livrare sunt date cu titlu indicativ. In afara cazului unei greseli importante sau intentionate a vanzatorului, cumparatorul nu se poate prevala de o intarziere de livrare pentru a anula vanzarea, refuza marfa sau reclama o indemnitate. Daca cumparatorul, dupa inceperea livrarii, nu accepta marfa,vanzatorul poate, fara a afecta dreptul de a solicita prejudicii si dobanzi, sa solicite executarea contractului sau sa considere vanzarea efectuata de plin drept, sumele rezultate fiind in sarcina cumparatorului. In caz de livrari succesive, defectele sau lipsurile totale sau partiale ale unei livrari nu influenteaza celelalte livrari.

Art 5. Transferul riscurilor
Riscurile asupra marfurilor si mai ales cele inerente transportului sunt transferate cumparatorului in momentul livrarii, care este momentul in care marfa este pusa la dispozitie sau ridicata din fabrica sau din depozitele vanzatorului pentru toate vanzarile, indiferent de conditiile de vanzare sau modalitatea de plata pentru transport. Prin exceptie, pentru comenzile cu termene INCOTERMS se vor aplica regulile INCOTERMS in vigoare la data vanzarii. Este in sarcina cumparatorului si numai a lui de a-si salvgarda drepturile sale in raport cu transportatorul prin formularea rezervelor sale in limitele termenelor de livrare si a altor termene fixate prin regulile aplicabile in acest caz.

Art 6. Receptie si reclamatii
a) Greutatile si masurile bunurilor la plecare fac dovada cantitatilor livrate. Toleranta cantitativa care afecteaza livrarea este de plus minus 10% calculate asupra numarului de unitati care figureaza in comanda.
b) Fara a influenta actiunile indreptate asupra transportatorului, reclamatiile asupra viciilor aparente sau asupra non-conformitatii marfurilor livrate cu cele comandate sau cu borderoul de livrare trebuie formulate in scris la receptia marfurilor sau in cel mult opt (8) zile de la receptia mentionata. Este raspunderea cumparatorului de a furniza toate justificativele in legatura cu realitatea viciilor sau anomaliilor constatate. Cumparatorul trebuie sa asigure vanzatorului toate facilitatile pentru a proceda la constatarea acestor vicii si pentru a intreprinde actiuni corective. Cumparatorul se va abtine de a interveni el insusi sau de a permite unui tert sa intervina pana la rezolvarea situatiei.
c) Daca cumparatorul nu a procedat la controlul calitatii marfurilor intr-un interval de opt (8) zile calculate de la receptia marfurilor sau daca a facut-o si a folosit marfurile sau le-a cedat unui tert, vanzatorul nu va fi considerat responsabil pentru pagubele de orice natura care pot rezulta din utilizarea acestor marfuri de catre el sau de catre un tert.
d) In ipoteza in care marfa nu va fi folosita pentru o utilizare sau dupa un procedeu acceptat in mod obisnuit pentru acest produs sau tip de produs, nici o reclamatie nu va fi admisibila.
e) Din momentul in care cumparatorul va fi adresat reclamatia vanzatorului in termenele indicate si sub rezerva ca responsabilitatea vanzatorului va fi fost stabilita, vanzatorul se obliga sa inlocuiasca sau sa ramburseze, in functie de decizia acestuia, toata marfa pe care a recunoscut-o ca fiind neconforma sau atinsa de un viciu aparent, cu exluderea oricaror alte indemnitati si/sau daune si interese. In aceste cazuri si la simpla cerere a vanzatorului, cumparatorul va fi obligat sa returneze toata marfa inlocuita sau rambursata. Pagubele indirecte si/sau imateriale legate de furnizarea unui produs defectuos sunt excluse, cu exceptia cazurilor de eroare grava sau intentionata din partea vanzatorului sau cand aduc atingere vietii, integritatii fizice sau sanatatii. Dreptul cumparatorului de a formula o plangere impotriva vanzatorului se prescrie intr-un termen de 24 luni calculat de la data transferului riscurilor.
f) Formularea unei plangeri nu exonereaza cumparatorul de obligatia de plata a pretului stipulat in contract, indiferent daca plangerea este intemeiata sau nu.

Art 7. Ambalaje
a) Ambalaje imprumutate de catre Vanzator: acestea raman in proprietatea Vanzatorului. Ele sunt exclusiv rezervate pentru marfurile care fac obiectul vanzarii. Cumparatorul, utilizatorul sau depozitarul este responsabil de accidentele care pot surveni acestor ambalaje. Aceste ambalaje trebuie returnate vanzatorului in stare buna in termenele fixate de catre Vanzator. In caz de ne-returnare in acest termen, de distrugere sau deteriorare, vanzatorul isi rezerva dreptul, fara anunt prealabil, de a factura cumparatorului valoarea de inlocuire a ambalajelor care devin astfel proprietatea cumparatorului sau pretul pentru reconditionarea acestora si de a solicita o indemnizatie corespunzatoare daunelor suferite din cauza cumparatorului.
b) Ambalaje cedate: in momentul in care ambalajele au devenit proprietatea cumparatorului acesta din urma se angajeaza sa faca sa dispara de pe ambalaje mentiunile referitoare la vechiul proprietar si i se interzice sa le foloseasca in alt scop decat cel pentru care au fost concepute.
c) Ambalaje supuse controlului : in cazul in care ambalajele sunt supuse periodic controlului de conformitate, periodicitate stabilita prin reglementari aduse la cunostinta cumparatorului, ultima data a controlului se trece pe aceste ambalaje. Vanzatorul isi declina orice responsabilitate pentru accidentele care pot surveni cu aceste ambalaje goale sau pline daca nu au fost cedate cumparatorului sau returnate de acesta vanzatorului anterior datei de control urmatoare.
d) Ambalaje furnizate de catre Vanzator : cumparatorul va fi singurul responsabil de alegerea si calitate ambalajelor destinate pentru a primi marfurile. Vanzatorul se obliga sa furnizeze ambalaje conforme cu reglementarile legale in vigoare.

Art. 8 Rezerva de proprietate
Proprietatea marfurilor vandute este rezervata vanzatorului pana in momentul platii integrale a valorii marfii si altor accesorii care au fost precizate, chiar daca riscul asupra marfurilor se transmite cumparatorului de la livrare asa cum este stipulat in articolul 5 de mai sus. In consecinta vanzatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a solicita in caz de intarziere la plata sau de neplata totala sau partiala, la prima solicitare si fara a anunta in prealabil returnarea marfurilor livrate oriunde este locul in care acestea se afla. Marfurile in stoc in locuri ca magazine, depozite, antrepozite etc. ale cumparatorului vor fi recuperate pana la valoarea aferenta facturilor neachitate. Cumparatorul se obliga deci de a nu ceda unor terti drepturile susceptibile de a aduce atingere exercitarii acestei clauze. Toate cheltuielile ocazionate de returul marfurilor in spatiile de depozitare ale vanzatorului sunt in sarcina cumparatorului. In caz de procedura de insolvabilitate a cumparatorului acesta va trebui sa :
(I) informeze vanzatorul intr-un termen de 24 de ore;
(II) sa inceteze comercializarea (utilizarea) marfurilor asupra carora nu a dobandit dreptul de proprietate. Cumparatorului ii va fi de asemenea solicitat sa respecte obligatiile care ii incumba in calitatea de detentor. In consecinta cumparatorul va trebui sa achite contravaloarea marfurilor in cazul in care acestea dispar accidental sau nu. Cumparatorului ii este interzis sa distruga prin orice mijloace etichetele care apar pe marfurile existente fizic sau din stocurile neachitate. Dispoziitle de mai sus se aplica fara rezerve chiar in cazul actiunilor de recuperare de cheltuieli si penalitati pentru platile ne-efectuate total sau partial.

Art 9. Instalare echipamentelor si asistenta tehnica
a) Daca este cazul instalarea, punerea in functiune, testarea echipamentului, asistenta tehnica, scolarizare si service pentru o singura data sau conform conditii contractuale stabilite de comun acord.
b) Daca este cazul (pentru echipamente de dimensiuni si/sau greutate mare) in sarcina beneficiarului cade descarcarea, amplasarea si manipularea echipamentelor la locul amplasarii acestora (macara, motostivuitor, etc.)
c) In sarcina beneficiarului cade asigurare de materialele si operatiunile pregatitoare amplasarii utilajului (ex. constructiile necesare si proiectele aferente, racorduri electrice si de gaz, platforma betonata daca este cazul, etc.)

Art 10. Intarzierea la plata
a) Neplata unei facturi constituie o incalcare grava a contractului din partea cumparatorului si autorizeaza vanzatorul sa suspende alte livari sau sa considere contractul ca fiind reziliat de plin drept, cu rezerva recuperarii oricaror prejuridicii suferite. In acelasi timp daca contractul prevede o forma de plata la termen si cumparatorul nu plateste la termen sau adreseaza o reclamatie asupra unui lot deja livrat, vanzatorul are posibilitatea de a solicta plata in avans pentru livrarile sau contractele ulterioare. Daca cumparatorul nu da curs acestei solicitari vanzatorul poate rezilia contractul din vina cumparatorului cu pastrarea depturilor de solicitare de daune si interese. Penalitatile de intarziere sunt exigibile de plin drept fara anunt prealabil si fara a prejudicia eventualele daune si interese, din ziua imediat urmatoare datei de scadenta care figureaza pe factura in cazul in care sumele datorate sunt platite dupa aceasta data. Valoarea acestor penalitati este egala cu valoarea dobanzii aplicate de Banca Centrala Europeana pentru operatiuni de refinantare majorata cu 7(sapte) procente. Valoarea penalitatilor care urmeaza a fi platite de catre cumparator poate depasi valoarea debitului principal pentru care acestea sunt calculate.
b) Daca situatia financiara a cumparatorului suscita ingrijorare justificata, vanzatorul isi rezerva dreptul pentru comenzile in curs de a solicita plata unei comenzi in curs sau plata anticipata.
c) In caz de expedieri esalonate ale marfurilor care fac obiectul unei comenzi facturile corespunzatoare fiecarei livrari sunt platibile la termenele scadente fara a astepta ca totalitatea produselor din comanda sa fie livrata.

Art 11. Caz de forta majora
Se asimileaza contractual fortei majore si constituie cazuri de stingere sau suspendare a obligatiilor vanzatorului fara recurs din partea cumparatorului accidentele care afecteaza productia si stocarea marfurilor vanzatorului, oprirea totala sau partiala a aprovizionarii cu materii prime si energie, notabil refuzul transportatorilor de a transporta bunurile,incendii, inundatii, defectiuni ale echipamentelor, greva totala sau partiala, deciziile administrative, actiuni ale tertilor, razboaie si orice alte evenimente exterioare care sunt de natura a intarzia, impiedica sau a impune costuri economice exorbitante in executarea obligatiilor vanzatorului.

ART 12 Jurisdictia si legea aplicabila
Toate diferendele relative la prezentul contract vor fi supuse legilor aplicabile in tara vanzatorului si supuse spre solutionare instantelor competente in raza carora se afla sediul social al acestuia cu exceptia conflictelor incompatibile cu aceasta alegere si cu Conventia Natiunilor Unite referitoare la vanzarea internationala a bunurilor din data de 11 aprilie 1980.

General Commercial Conditions

ART 1. Application of General Conditions of Sale
When placing any order with the seller, the buyer accepts these G.C.S. without qualification and in their entirety to the exclusion of any other document, including brochures or catalogues issued by the seller as indicative only. No special condition shall, unless expressly agreed in writing by the seller prevail over the G.C.S. Any clause to the contrary proposed by the buyer shall not therefore, unless expressly agreed, be binding on the seller, irrespective of when the seller knew of that clause.
ART 2. Orders
Orders placed directly to the seller or through his agents or representatives shall not become final and binding until they are confirmed in writing by the seller.
ART 3. Order
Amendments Any request by the buyer to amend or cancel an order will only be considered if it has been made in writing to the seller at least seven (7) days before shipment of the goods. After this period, all placed orders will be payable by the buyer.
ART 4. Delivery
Deliveries will be made depending on the seller’s availability. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the seller’s delivery dates shall be purely indicative. Except in case of seller’s wilful misconduct or gross negligence, the buyer shall not be entitled to use any late delivery as a justification for canceling the sale, rejecting the goods or claiming any compensation. If the buyer, after formal notice, fails to take delivery of the goods, the seller shall be entitled without prejudice to any claim for damages to enforce the contract or consider it to have been automatically terminated, with any deposit forfeited for the benefit of the seller. Where deliveries are in installments, the failure in whole or in part of any one delivery shall have no effect on other deliveries.
ART 5. Transfer of Risk
The risk in the goods, and particularly those risks inherent in their carriage, shall pass to the buyer immediately upon their delivery. Delivery shall take place, for all sales whatever their destination at the time the goods leave the seller’s factories or warehouses, irrespective of any terms of sale or payment of the costs of carriage. However, for orders which refer to INCOTERMS, the rules of the INCOTERMS prevailing at the time of the sale, shall apply. It is the buyer’s responsibility to take all necessary steps to ensure that his rights are safeguarded with respect to the carrier of the goods by taking all necessary precautions within the time periods and terms specified by the rules governing such matters.
ART 6. Receipt - Complaints
a) The weight and measures of the goods at the moment of dispatch will attest to the quantities delivered. The quantitative tolerance of the delivery shall be plus or minus ten per cent (+/-10%) calculated on the number of units mentioned in the order.
b) Without prejudice to any actions to be taken against the carrier, complaints made regarding visible defects or any non-conformity of the delivered goods compared to the ordered goods or with the delivery documentation, must be lodged in writing upon receipt of the goods and in any event within eight (8) days of receipt at the latest. The buyer shall provide the seller with all evidence regarding defects or anomalies reported. The buyer shall permit the seller all means to ascertain the defects and to find a solution. The buyer shall not intervene, nor have any third party intervene in this process.
c) If the buyer fails to check the quality of the goods within eight (8) days of their receipt, or having checked the goods, the buyer uses the goods or sells the goods to a third party, the seller will have no liability for any loss whatsoever resulting from their use by the buyer or the third party.
d) If the goods are not used for a purpose or in accordance with a process normally intended for goods of the same kind, no claim will be admissible.
e) Once the buyer has sent his complaint to the seller within the specified time, and subject to establishing that the seller is liable, the seller shall at his convenience either replace or refund the cost of any goods which he has acknowledged as non-conforming or affected by a visible defect, to the exclusion of all other indemnities and/or damages. Where applicable, upon the seller’s request the buyer will return to the seller the goods which have been replaced or refunded. Liability for indirect damages resulting from the supply of defective product is excluded, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence or death, bodily injury or damage to health. The buyer’s right to bring a claim will expire 24 months following the date of passing of risk in the product.
f) Complaints do not discharge the buyer from his obligation to pay the price according to the contract terms irrespective of whether the complaint is justified
ART 7. Packaging
a) Packaging lent by the seller: this shall remain the property of the seller. It is solely intended for the goods sold. The buyer, the user or the bailee shall be liable for all and any accident which might occur as a result of this packaging. It shall be returned to the seller in good condition and within the time specified by the seller. If the packaging is not returned within the stipulated time, or is destroyed or deteriorates, the seller will be entitled, without any prior written notice, to invoice the buyer for the cost of its replacement, in which case the buyer shall become the owner of the replaced packaging, or the cost of restoring the packaging to its original condition and also to claim from the buyer an indemnity for loss suffered as a result of the failure of the buyer to comply with the above provisions.
b) Transferred Packaging: When ownership of the packaging has been transferred to the buyer, he shall remove all references to the previous owner and shall not use such packaging for any purpose other than that for which it was originally intended.
c) Retested Packaging; when packaging is subject to retesting in accordance with a timeline set by regulations (the buyer declaring that he is aware of the same) the last testing date is marked on the packaging. The seller will have no liability for any accidents arising from this packaging, whether empty of full, where it has been transferred to the buyer or not returned to the seller before the date of the next test.
d) Packaging Supplied by the Buyer: the buyer shall be responsible for the choice and the quality of the packaging that is intended to receive the goods. The buyer shall supply packaging which conforms to the regulations then in force.
ART 8. Retention of Title
The seller reserves title to the goods until payment in full of the price and of all incidentals. The risk in the goods shall however pass to the buyer upon delivery, as defined in Article 5 above. If payment is late or remains unpaid whether in whole or in part, the seller reserves the right on demand and without further formalities to require the delivered goods to be returned to it, wherever they are located. Goods stored at the premises of the buyer (including depots, warehouses) will be deemed to be the subject of the unpaid invoices. The buyer shall therefore not grant any rights to third parties that might limit the exercise of the provisions of this condition. All costs of returning the goods to the seller will be borne by the buyer. If the buyer becomes insolvent or bankrupt he must
(I) notify the seller within 24 hours and
(II) immediately cease selling any goods which are not yet his property. The buyer must also comply with his obligations as bailee. The buyer shall therefore be required to pay for the goods if they disappear, whether accidentally or otherwise. The buyer shall not remove packaging or labels from goods stored by him and which are unpaid. The above provisions are without prejudice to any claim for damages for total or partial failure to pay the price of the goods.
ART 9. Non-Payment
a) Non payment of any invoice shall be considered a fundamental breach entitling the seller to suspend any further delivery or to consider the contract terminated immediately by reason of the buyer’s default without prejudice to any claim for damages. Similarly, where payment is agreed to be deferred and the buyer does not pay punctually or makes a claim for a batch already delivered, the seller may revoke such payment term and require advance payment for the subsequent deliveries. Should the buyer not meet such demand, the seller shall be entitled to terminate the contract and claim damages. Where payment is not made on the due date in the invoice, interest for late payment will be payable, without the need for any formal notice to this effect and without prejudice to any future claim for damages, from the day following the due date. The interest rate will be equal to the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation plus seven (7) percentage points. The overall interest to be paid by the buyer may overpass the value of the principal debt.
b) In the event the financial standing of the buyer constitutes a justifiable cause for concern, the seller reserves the right to request payment in cash or prior to delivery in respect of current orders.
c) Where goods in any order or by agreement are delivered in installments, the invoices relating to each delivery shall be payable by their respective due dates, and shall not be postponed until all the ordered goods have been delivered.
ART 10. Force Majeure
The following shall be considered as events of force majeure which shall therefore allow the seller to cancel or suspend his contractual obligations, without any right of recourse for the buyer: accidents affecting the manufacture or storage of the products, total or partial interruption of supplies of raw materials or energy, default by carriers, fire, flooding, breakdown of machinery, total or partial strikes, administrative decisions, acts attributed to third parties, war and all and any external occurrences likely to delay or prevent the performance of the seller’s obligation or to render such performance economically exorbitant.
ART 11. Law and Jurisdiction
All disputes arising out of this contract shall be governed by the law of the country of the seller and submitted to the courts having jurisdiction where the seller’s registered office is located, with the exception of any rules of conflict laws incompatible with this choice of law and with the exception of the United Nations Convention on the international sale of goods of April 11,1980.


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